4/1/24 - Monday

A1) Snatch 7x2

*Start around 60% and work up if possible

A2) GHD Situps 5x 8-10 or V-Ups 5x 10-15

B) For Time:

800m Run

60 KB Swings

40 Toes to Bar

20 HSPU or Pushups

T1- Scale as needed

T2 and T3- 53/35

T4- 70/53

Mobility -

1:00 Foam Roll IT Band each side

1:00 Side Lying T-Spine Rotation each side

1:00 Foam Roll Lats

1:00 Pigeon Stretch each side

20 Cat/Cows


4/2/24 - Tuesday


3/30/24 - Saturday