4/23/24 - Tuesday

A1) Backsquat 7x2

*Start around 70% and work up

A2) 5x HS Walk Practice or Progressions (Wallwalks x 2-3 or Shoulder Taps 20-30)

B) EMOM 12

1- Max Reps Hang Power Snatch

2- Max Reps HSPU, Ring Dips or Pushups

3- Max Calorie Row/Bike/Ski/Run

4- Rest

T1- Scale as needed

T2- 75/55

T3- 95/65

T4- 115/75

Mobility -

2 Rounds For Quality:

T-Spine Rotation (bottom of squat) x 20 each side

1:00 Foam Roll T-Spine/Lats

1:00 Bonesaw on Calves

1:00 Pigeon Stretch each side

Cat/Cow x 20


4/24/24 - Wednesday


4/22/24 - Monday